Friday, 19 February 2010

Another One Bites The Dust....

...another pound that is. I lost 1lb this week.

Havent had time to blog very often, but things are still going well. Ive now got a silver fitpiggy on Wii Fit Plus and havent missed a day in 3 weeks! On Sunday me and hubby took my mums dog for a 2 hour walk. I really enjoyed it, but think i've got damage to my pelvis from the complicated birth i had, so after half hour or so im in agony when walking. Soldiered on though, brave me!

Next goal is another pound next week to get me my 75lb certificate! Have got 2 lunches out this week so fingers crossed I can behave myself!


  1. Hi
    You are doing brilliantly, especially with the exercise.

  2. wow, go you. You're doing fab Gemma. Fingers crossed for your 75lb off certificate next week xxx
