Monday, 28 June 2010

Week So Far

Im trying to make an effort to blog more often! Going well so far this week.

I always work out on a Sunday night my average daily steps for the week, ie total steps divided by 7. This week I actually, finally managed to average over 10,000 steps per day, and thats without wearing my pedometer on Thursday, if i'd worn it then i'd have been well over 11 or 12,000 (Doh!)

On Saturday hubby and I took the 2 youngest ones to Hollingworth Lake (thats my 3rd time in less than a week! It is a lovely place though!). We walked round once (approx 1.5 miles), but then I had to stop cos i was wearing daft shoes (doh again!)

On Sunday, i made up for it by going for a walk, approx 9km, so over 5.5 miles. Very pleased with myself, but im feeling it today! My hips are quite sore, which isnt good considering I am doing a 10k Race For Life in 12 days, Im going to need to try to get out most days this week and next for a good walk every day.

Today, I spent 1.5 hours ironing, then 3 hours sorting out the childrens rooms, which were a disgrace, so it kept me on the move. I then didnt have time to go walking as I had to pick the children up, so had a quick 30 mins on the Wii Fit.

Day off tomorrow, (as was today!), but I intend to spend it on time for ME! Im planning a walk, help my hips get used to it. Then chilling out, relaxing bath and reading for a while. Might even dye my hair :)

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